STAR High-end Equipment Index and STAR New Materials Index are to Be Launched for the Comprehensive Introduction of Strategic Emerging Industries Theme Indexes

The Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and China Securities Index Co., Ltd. today announced the arrangement for the official launching of STAR High-End Equipment Manufacturing Index (hereafter referred to as STAR High-End Equipment) and STAR New Materials Index (hereafter referred to as STAR New Materials) on August 15, 2022. A comprehensive index system featuring strategic emerging industries of the STAR market, including STAR Next Generation IT Index, STAR Biology and Medicine Index, and STAR Chip Index, has been established.

No more than 50 stocks of listed companies specialized in niche sectors of high-end equipment and new materials of considerable market value will be selected for STAR High-End Equipment Index and STAR New Materials Index. The top five weighted stocks of STAR High-End Equipment Index are Beijing Roborock Technology Co., Ltd., Ninebot Limited, China Railway Signal & Communication Corporation Limited, Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co., Ltd., and Wuxi Autowell Technology Co.,Ltd., accounting for 34% of the market value in total. And top five weighted stocks of STAR New Materials Index are Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd., Jiangsu Cnano Technology Co.,Ltd., National Silicon Industry Group Co.,Ltd., Western Superconducting Technologies Co., Ltd., and KBC Corporation, Ltd., accounting for 46% of the market value in total. There are 84 and 59 listed companies of high-end equipment manufacturing and new materials, respectively, on the STAR market. High-end equipment manufacturing enterprises are generally highly Internet-powered, including those involved in the manufacturing of advanced rail facilities, semiconductor devices, intelligent manufacturing equipment, laser equipment, etc. Their R&D investments kept increasing and grew by 24% year-on-year in 2021. Most new materials enterprises are producers of advanced basic materials, and representative listed companies are involved in the production of key materials for semiconductors, battery materials, carbon fiber and superconductor materials. They have experienced a rapid performance improvement, with revenues and net profit rising by 74.1% and 51.7% year-on-year, respectively, for the first quarter of 2022.

Being committed to giving play to the vital role of indexes in the capital market's development, the SSE has initially established an index system for the STAR market comprising size and theme indexes. The STAR 50 Index, launched on the first anniversary of the STAR market, is a key size index. With a total volume of over 50 billion yuan, it is widely acknowledged by domestic and overseas investors. The five theme indexes of New Generation IT, Biology and Medicine, Chip, High-end Equipment, and New Materials can fully demonstrate the conglomeration and demonstration effects of technological and innovative enterprises and provide diversified observation and investment targets for the market. In the future, the SSE will continue improving the STAR index system to meet the needs of diversified investment and promote the innovation-driven development strategy and high-quality economic development through indexes and indexing investment.

Announcement on Launching STAR High-end Equipment Index and STAR New Materials Index
