Brief Introduction

Guangdong Leadyo IC Testing Co.,Ltd. was established in February 2010 and listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (688135.SH) on November 11, 2020. The company's main business includes integrated circuit testing program development, 12-inch and 8-inch wafer testing services, finished chip testing services, and supporting services related to integrated circuit testing. It is a modern high-tech enterprise specializing in semiconductor back-end foundry. , Has become one of the largest independent third-party integrated circuit testing bases in China.

Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the field of integrated circuit testing, and has accumulated a number of independent core technologies in this field. It has developed 39 types of chip testing solutions and completed mass production testing of more than 3,500 chip models. Applicable Test requirements for different terminal application scenarios. Testing is the last guarantee of chip quality, so every chip must be 100% tested. With the increasing complexity of chips, testing of chips is not only a simple test to judge whether it can be used as a standard. The "Document No. 8" issued by the State Council clearly defines the importance of chip testing. With the continuous advancement of domestic chip substitution in China, there is a huge market for chip testing. The company firmly believes that chip testing will be one of the fastest growing industries in the future.

Company Overview

Full name Guangdong Leadyo IC Testing Co.,Ltd.
Abbreviations LEADYO
Code 688135
Founded 2010-02-10
Listing 2020-11-11
Domicile Dongguan
STAR Theme New Generation IT
CSRC Sector Manufacturing
Has weighted voting rights structure? No



  2020 2019 2018
Earnings Per Share 0.49 0.61 0.16
R&D expenditure as a % of operating revenue 9.80% 9.48% 9.08%
Operating Revenue 252.83 232.01 138.28
Net Income 51.95 60.84 15.93

Income Statement (Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Operating Revenue 252.83 232.01 138.28
Operating Costs 136.27 109.08 84.06
Operating Income 58.07 70.38 21.18
Pretax Income 58.06 70.57 20.09
Income Tax 6.11 9.73 4.16
Net Income 51.95 60.84 15.93

Balance Sheet(Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Current Assets-Total 564.02 158.94 128.91
Non-current Assets-Total 528.09 421.07 279.66
Total Assets 1,092.11 580.00 408.57
Current Liabilities-Total 79.47 97.32 39.58
Non-current Liabilities-Total 36.25 29.20 11.37
Total Liabilities 115.73 126.53 50.95
Stockholder's Equity
Share Capital 136.40 102.30 99.80
Retained Profits 173.79 121.84 61.01
Total Owners' Equity 976.38 453.48 357.63

Cash Flow Statement (Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Net Cash Flows-Operating 105.37 151.35 43.00
Net Cash Flows-Investing -415.05 -150.26 -59.16
Net Cash Flows-Financing 463.75 30.42 -16.30

Top 10 Shareholders

Name No. of Shares Held (mn) % of Shares Held
黄江 41.3438 30.31%
瞿昊 6.9184 5.07%
张利平 6.8184 5.00%
黄主 4.362 3.20%
徐杰锋 3.85 2.82%
广发证券资管-工商银行-广发原驰·利扬芯片战略配售1号集合资产管理计划 3.41 2.50%
洪振辉 2.6918 1.97%
深圳市达晨创坤股权投资企业(有限合伙) 2.5 1.83%
袁金钰 2.458 1.80%
潘家明 2.3178 1.70%

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