Brief Introduction

Suzhou GYZ Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., founded in December 2013, is located in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, which is the first of the top-100 counties in China. It is a leading private enterprise specializing in the research, development, production and sales of precision electronic components in camera optical module CCM and voice coil motor VCM,Motor VCM as a technology driven , since its creation, the company will continue through technological innovation, technology research and development, process optimization, resource integration and equipment investment, continue to improve the competitiveness of the precision electronic components manufacturing and integration services, influence significantly increased in the industry, GYZ was identified as "national high and new- technology enterprise" IN 2017.

The computer's product application includes: Consumer Electronics, Automotive Electronics and Type of Semiconductor.

The company has been in the field of optical precision manufacturing for many years, and has accumulated the production process of the core electronic parts of voice coil motor VCM and camera module CCM, and has been able to provide the overall solution tothe motor. Based on the consumer electronics field and following the strategic direction of leading customers in the industry, GYZ Electronic has independently developed differentiated products represented by two-color molding products and CMI base, which effectively solve the difficulties in the production process of customers, and at the same time consolidate its own product research and development and manufacturing level.

Based on the strict requirements of automotive electronics for product quality, the company has opened up a special automotive production line, from all dimensions to develop control standards, fine detailed management of the whole production process, and strive for high consistency and high reliability of products.GYZ Electronic has rich achievements in material selection and structural design of precision parts for automotive electronics.

CPT is a new type of electronic circuit board, with high heat dissipation, high insulation, long-life and other characteristics, mainly used for LED lamps and UVLED sterilization lamps. The company uses in the laser processing, automation equipment development, machine inspection and other aspects of the accumulated experience.

GYZ Electronic pays a high attention to talent introduction and research and development investment. With technology as the foundation and innovation as the driving force, the company is committed to becoming the industry's leading supplier of precision electronic parts integration.

Company Overview

Abbreviations GYZ TECHNOLOGY
Code 688260
Founded 2013-12-04
Listing 2021-04-06
Domicile KunShan City
STAR Theme New Generation IT
CSRC Sector Manufacturing
Has weighted voting rights structure? No



  2020 2019 2018
Earnings Per Share 0.62 0.64 0.51
R&D expenditure as a % of operating revenue 6.61% 6.67% 7.52%
Operating Revenue 553.68 520.61 387.95
Net Income 48.02 49.48 45.14

Income Statement (Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Operating Revenue 553.68 520.61 387.95
Operating Costs 383.29 353.20 241.71
Operating Income 53.11 61.06 55.10
Pretax Income 56.33 60.43 55.10
Income Tax 8.31 10.95 9.96
Net Income 48.02 49.48 45.14

Balance Sheet(Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Current Assets-Total 312.51 299.88 182.72
Non-current Assets-Total 300.97 230.51 178.98
Total Assets 613.48 530.39 361.70
Current Liabilities-Total 358.03 331.44 258.76
Non-current Liabilities-Total 17.61 13.98 22.99
Total Liabilities 375.64 345.42 281.74
Stockholder's Equity
Share Capital 169.00 166.28 19.56
Retained Profits 82.25 26.11 62.08
Minority Interests -13.41 -7.41 -1.69
Total Owners' Equity 237.84 184.97 79.95

Cash Flow Statement (Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Net Cash Flows-Operating 107.06 51.32 94.84
Net Cash Flows-Investing -100.05 -79.42 -75.35
Net Cash Flows-Financing -7.50 43.56 -20.27

Top 10 Shareholders

Name No. of Shares Held (mn) % of Shares Held
WANG, BIN 13.18 14.65%
Suzhou Yun Two Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) 10.20 11.34%
Suzhou Yun Three Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) 10.20 11.34%
Suzhou Yun Four Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) 9.78 10.87%
Suzhou Yun One Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) 8.51 9.45%
Suzhou Tianchan Intelligent Manufacturing Equity Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) 4.25 4.73%
Yilisuxin Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) 4.24 4.71%
Suzhou Industrial Park Oriza Chongyuan Equity Investment Fund II Partnership (Limited Partnership) 3.96 4.40%
XIONG, QIANG 2.13 2.36%
GAN, ZIYING 2.13 2.36%
FANG, HAO 2.13 2.36%
CHEN, CHI 2.13 2.36%
WANG, QINGJING 2.13 2.36%
XU, AO 2.13 2.36%
Suzhou Yun Six Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) 2.13 2.36%
As of 2021-3-31

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