Brief Introduction

Approach Infinity,Make Test New Valuable

Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Huafeng Test & Control), as one of the earliest companies to enter the semiconductor testing equipment industry in China, has been deeply engaged in the industry for more than 20 years, focusing on the field of analog and mixed signal testing equipment.

By virtue of its high performance, easy operation and service advantages, the company has broken the monopoly position of foreign manufacturers in the field of analog and digital-analog hybrid test equipment, and reached the leading domestic level in terms of revenue and brand advantages. The products are not only sold in batches in China, but also exported to China's Taiwan, the United States, Europe, Korea, Japan and other developed areas of overseas semiconductor industry. Up to now, the cumulative global installed capacity has exceeded 3,500 sets.

At present, the company is the main testing platform supplier in the field of simulation testing for the top three semiconductor sealing test manufacturers in China, also has hundreds of IC design enterprise customer resources, and also maintained the business relationship with more than three hundreds of IC design enterprises. In the future, China's independent chip development will provide great opportunities for the rapid growth of the company.

Company Overview

Full name Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.
Abbreviations Accotest
Code 688200
Founded 1993年2月1日
Listing 2020年2月18日
Domicile Beijing
STAR Theme High-end Equipment
CSRC Sector Manufacturing
Has weighted voting rights structure? No



  2020 2019 2018
Earnings Per Share 3.40 2.27 2.16
R&D expenditure as a % of operating revenue 14.88% 12.83% 11.15%
Operating Revenue 397.48 254.61 218.68
Net Income 199.19 101.99 90.73

Income Statement (Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Operating Revenue 397.48 254.61 218.68
Operating Costs 80.51 46.32 39.03
Operating Income 239.52 120.02 102.97
Pretax Income 238.58 119.05 103.08
Income Tax 39.39 17.06 12.35
Net Income 199.19 101.99 90.73

Balance Sheet(Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Current Assets-Total 2,085.12 419.71 241.49
Non-current Assets-Total 184.93 73.87 44.59
Total Assets 2,270.05 493.58 286.08
Current Liabilities-Total 131.42 65.43 50.36
Non-current Liabilities-Total 3.89 0.14 0.07
Total Liabilities 135.31 65.57 50.43
Stockholder's Equity
Share Capital 1,754.63 211.09 100.38
Retained Profits 380.11 216.92 135.27
Total Owners' Equity 2,134.74 428.01 235.65

Cash Flow Statement (Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Net Cash Flows-Operating 138.67 59.65 101.78
Net Cash Flows-Investing -1,447.18 -30.81 -24.81
Net Cash Flows-Financing 1,472.06 86.37 -30.83

Top 10 Shareholders

Name No. of Shares Held (mn) % of Shares Held
天津芯华投资控股有限公司 18.23 29.79%
中国时代远望科技有限公司 14.13 23.1%
深圳芯瑞创业投资合伙企业(有限合伙) 3.89 6.36%
李寅 2.08 3.4%
王皓 2.05 3.36%
唐桂琴 1.33 2.17%
陈爱华 1.03 1.68%
王东光 0.51 0.84%
中金公司-广发银行-中金公司丰众12号员工参与科创板战略配售集合资产管理计划 0.47 0.77%
As of 2021-03-31

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