Brief Introduction

HOB Biotech Group (HOB) is an innovative in-vitro diagnostic company founded by overseas returnees, John Li, with education and decades of industrial experience in the United States. HOB specialize in providing innovative and efficient diagnosis tools to laboratories and hospitals for the improvement of allergy and autoimmune disease patient care. HOB are committed to providing "affordable and reliable" diagnostic products for patients worldwide.

Since established in 2009, with years of dedicated research investment and efforts, HOB has gradually become a market leader in allergy diagnostics and a rising star in autoimmune diagnostics in China. We have established a large-scale, ISO 13485 certified manufacturing facility in Suzhou, China, producing high quality products ranging from line immuno assay (BioLINE) to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (BioLISA) and more advanced chemiluminescence microparticle immuno assay (BioCLIA). HOB has further established world-class R&D centers in California, US, with a well experienced product development team and led by scientists with education and decades of R&D experience in IVD diagnosis.

HOB adhere to the customer needs and continuously improve our service capabilities. We have built a marketing service team which covers 34 provinces/municipalities all across China to provide professional technical services in a timely manner.

Based in Asia, Influencing the World

HOB's mission is to develop and offer customers "affordable and reliable" products in allergy and autoimmune in vitro diagnostics, with state-of-art technologies, topnotch quality, and competitive prices. As a leading manufacturer with strong R&D capability, HOB is expanding its global influence by forming strategic alliances with companies worldwide to provide advanced technology and the most competitive products.

The Successful IPO of HOB on Shanghai Stock Exchange

On Jan.13th 2021, HOB completed its IPO and is formally listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange, abbreviated as "浩欧博 HOB". HOB shares are traded underthe Shanghai Stock Exchange code "688656". This is a big milestone in HOB's history. Thesuccessful IPO will help us pursue our long term vision of becoming a world-class company in the allergy and autoimmune IVD industry. HOB has raised CNY 556 million (equivalent to 70 million euros / 86 million USD) with the IPO. The fund will be used to boost our global capability and capacity, providing resources to execute our business strategies, furtherdevelop our R&D pipeline and deliver better solutions to our customers and patients, and building a stronger brand.

Furthermore, HOB are strivedto develop innovated diagnostic products, specialized in autoimmunity and allergy with expanding of our current product menu. We are committed to continuously enhance our service quality and expand service network worldwide.

Company Overview

Abbreviations HOB Biotech
Code 688656
Founded 2009-06-08
Listing 2021-01-13
STAR Theme Biomedicine
CSRC Sector Manufacturing
Has weighted voting rights structure? No



  2020 2019 2018
Earnings Per Share 1.20 1.35 0.88
R&D expenditure as a % of operating revenue 10.88% 9.82% 11.99%
Operating Revenue 22,185.69 25,912.74 20,144.62
Net Income 5,661.76 6,383.85 4,015.44

Income Statement (Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Operating Revenue 221.86 259.13 201.45
Operating Costs 172.57 189.21 144.93
Operating Income 65.10 70.05 49.16
Pretax Income 65.10 73.56 46.71
Income Tax 8.49 9.72 6.56
Net Income 56.62 63.84 40.15

Balance Sheet(Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Current Assets-Total 158.65 176.49 140.38
Non-current Assets-Total 137.76 106.69 84.84
Total Assets 296.41 283.18 225.22
Current Liabilities-Total 63.23 122.89 77.60
Non-current Liabilities-Total 26.80 10.65 14.50
Total Liabilities 90.02 133.54 92.10
Stockholder's Equity
Share Capital 115.95 115.95 115.95
Retained Profits 90.44 33.69 17.17
Minority Interests 0 0 0
Total Owners' Equity 206.39 149.64 133.12

Cash Flow Statement (Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Net Cash Flows-Operating 58.22 68.57 46.51
Net Cash Flows-Investing -35.03 -33.75 -25.39
Net Cash Flows-Financing -55.25 -10.55 31.36

Top 10 Shareholders

Name No. of Shares Held (mn) % of Shares Held
海瑞祥天生物科技(集团)有限公司 35.10 55.66%
苏州外润投资管理合伙企业(有限合伙) 7.73 12.26%
广州市金阖股权投资管理合伙企业(有限合伙) 2.07 3.28%
华泰浩欧博家园1号科创板员工持股集合资产管理计划 1.58 2.5%
福州泰弘景晖股权投资合伙企业(有限合伙) 0.98 1.55%
华泰创新投资有限公司 0.73 1.15%
珠海泰弘景晖股权投资合伙企业(有限合伙) 0.68 1.08%
中国银行股份有限公司-博时健康成长主题双周定期可赎回混合型证券投资基金 0.53 0.83%
招商银行股份有限公司-富国科创板两年定期开放混合型证券投资基金 0.53 0.83%
平潭建发拾号股权投资合伙企业(有限合伙) 0.51 0.82%
31 Mar 2021

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