Brief Introduction

Established in 2015, NationalSiliconIndustry Group devotes to the development of the semiconductor silicon material industry and its ecosystem.While achieving the company's endogenous growth, NSIG will explore ways of enhancing the comprehensive competitiveness of China's semiconductor wafer industry through the expansion of investment, M&A and international cooperation.Eventually, NSIG will develop into a global semiconductor material supplier and establish a "one-stop" service platform of semiconductor materials with international competitiveness.

Company Overview

Full name National Silicon Industry Group
Abbreviations NSIG
Code 688126
Founded 2015-12-09
Listing 2020-04-20
Domicile Shanghai, China
STAR Theme New Generation IT
CSRC Sector Manufacturing
Has weighted voting rights structure? No



  2020 2019 2018
Earnings Per Share 0.038 -0.05 n/a
R&D expenditure as a % of operating revenue 7.23% 5.64% 8.29%
Operating Revenue 1,811.28 1,492.51 1,010.45
Net Income 90.00 -101.26 9.68

Income Statement (Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Operating Revenue 1,811.28 1,492.51 1,010.45
Operating Costs 2,010.16 1,680.34 1,124.64
Operating Income 118.81 -72.77 36.47
Pretax Income 114.11 -73.27 35.24
Income Tax 24.10 27.99 25.57
Net Income 90.00 -101.26 9.68

Balance Sheet(Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Current Assets-Total 3,327.72 1,657.96 1,321.96
Non-current Assets-Total 11,170.79 8,305.29 5,500.59
Total Assets 14,498.51 9,963.24 6,822.55
Current Liabilities-Total 1,407.21 2,242.12 1,481.27
Non-current Liabilities-Total 3,551.33 2,546.69 1,746.25
Total Liabilities 4,958.54 4,788.81 3,227.52
Stockholder's Equity
Share Capital 4,706.44 2,442.97 2,000.00
Retained Profits 4,736.59 2,629.04 1,385.27
Minority interests 96.93 102.43 209.76
Total Owners' Equity 9,539.96 5,174.44 3,595.03

Cash Flow Statement (Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Net Cash Flows-Operating 376.55 886.70 327.06
Net Cash Flows-Investing -1,907,57 -1,044.17 -1,048.95
Net Cash Flows-Financing 2,118.17 87.86 788.93

Top 10 Shareholders

Name No. of Shares Held (mn) % of Shares Held
Shanghai Guosheng (Group) Co., Ltd. 567 22.86%
China Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Co., Ltd. 567 22.86%
Shanghai Jiading Industry Zone Development(Group) Co.,Ltd. 174.27 7.03%
上海武岳峰集成电路股权投资合伙企业(有限合伙) 162 6.53%
SIMIC Holdings Co., Ltd. 162 6.53%
Shanghai Sinyang Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd 139.65 5.63%
中保投资有限责任公司-中国保险投资基金(有限合伙) 96.48 3.89%
中国工商银行股份有限公司-诺安成长股票型证券投资基金 35.99 1.45%
交通银行股份有限公司-诺安和鑫保本混合型证券投资基金 19.52 0.79%
Fame Creation Industrial Limited 17.45 0.70%
31 Dec 2020

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