Brief Introduction

EFORT (Stock code: 688165.SH) is one of the first echelon industrial robot companies in China, providing customers with industrial robot products and cross-industry intelligent manufacturing solutions.

EFORT successfully acquired the WFC Group, an Italian automotive equipment and robotic system integrator, after the successful acquisition of Italian painting robot company CMA, Italian metal processing and surface treatment system integrator EVOLUT and investment ROBOX, a manufacturer of robot core components in motion control in Italy. Through the M&A and absorption of advanced technology and experience in the field of international industrial automation, EFORT has formed a coordinated development pattern of the entire industry chain from the core components of robots to the whole machine to the high-end system integration of robots.

EFORT has 19 subsidiaries worldwide and has a smart painting robot R&D center and an intelligent robot application center in Italy.

EFORT has taken the lead in undertaking the robotics projects of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission and other ministries, and participated in the formulation of a number of national standards for the robot industry.

EFORT has many years of industry accumulation in the field of automation equipment, especially in the field of automotive welding process equipment, automated conveyor equipment, painting process equipment, robot integration applications and other areas to provide partners with turnkey solutions. Under the background of the comprehensive upgrade of China's manufacturing industry, EFORT is committed to becoming an international world-class intelligent equipment provider with the mission of "smart" manufacturing of intelligent equipment and liberation of human productivity.

Company Overview

Full name Efort Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd
Abbreviations EFORT
Code 688165
Founded 2007.08.02
Listing 2020.07.15
Domicile Wuhu, Anhui
STAR Theme High-end Equipment
CSRC Sector Manufacturing
Has weighted voting rights structure? No



  2020 2019 2018
Earnings Per Share -0.38 -0.11 -0.06
R&D expenditure as a % of operating revenue 6.82% 5.94% 5.44%
Operating Revenue 1,133.58 1,267.80 1,313.60
Net Income -170.51 -53.19 -25.57

Income Statement (Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Operating Revenue 1,133.58 1,267.80 1,313.60
Operating Costs 1,333.27 1,388.16 1,464.30
Operating Income -198.63 -86.88 -135.30
Pretax Income -196.31 -73.23 -23.15
Income Tax -25.80 -20.04 2.42
Net Income -170.51 -53.19 -25.57

Balance Sheet(Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Current Assets-Total 2,238.14 1,664.80 1,716.39
Non-current Assets-Total 1,069.19 1,133.23 1,157.30
Total Assets 3,307.33 2,798.03 2,873.69
Current Liabilities-Total 837.94 847.46 858.17
Non-current Liabilities-Total 352.90 334.21 356.92
Total Liabilities 1,190.84 1,181.67 1,215.09
Stockholder's Equity
Share Capital 2,531.08 1,785.58 1,788.52
Retained Profits -421.65 -177.86 -129.80
Minority interests 7.06 8.64 -0.13
Total Owners' Equity 2,116.49 1,616.36 1,658.59

Cash Flow Statement (Unit: RMB mn)

  2020 2019 2018
Net Cash Flows-Operating -144.09 -166.79 -257.84
Net Cash Flows-Investing -650.62 -68.06 137.52
Net Cash Flows-Financing 889.66 -8.44 214.58

Top 10 Shareholders

Name No. of Shares Held (mn) % of Shares Held
Wuhu Yuanhong Industrial Robot Investment Co., Ltd. 84.00 16.10%
Wuhu Yuanda Venture Capital Co., Ltd. 60.93 11.68%
Anhui Xinwei Co-Stone Industrial Upgrade Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) 60.00 11.50%
Shanghai CDH Yuanlin Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) 50.44 9.67%
Wuhu Ruibo Investment Management Center (Limited Partnership) 45.42 8.70%
Midea Group Co., Ltd. 35.60 6.82%
Phinda. Holding S.A. 20.00 3.83%
Maanshan Co-Stone Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) 17.95 3.44%
Guoxin Capital Co., Ltd. 5.63 1.08%
Wuhu Chery Technology Co., Ltd. 5.51 1.06%
As of 2020-12-31

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